作者: Jochen Zschau

Paolo Gasparini, is Full Professor of Geophysics at the University of Napoli Federico II and President of Center of Competence AMRA. He is Advisor for Environment to the EC Commissioner of Research. He was President of IAVCEI. His activities include the assessment of volcanic and seismic hazard and risk. He is on the steering committee of the EC SAFER project on seismic early warning. Gaetano Manfredi, is Full Professor of Structural Design at the University of Napoli Federico II and Head of the Department of Structural Engineering. He is President of RELUIS (The Italian Network of University Seismic Engineering Labs) and a member of the Board of the Directors of AMRA. His activity is focused on seismic engineering and innovative materials. He is WP leader of the SAFER project. Jochen Zschau is Full professor at the University of Potsdam and Director of the Department “Physics of the Earth” at the Geo Forschungs Zentrum Potsdam (GFZ). His scientific focus is on earthquake and volcanoes research. He was vice president of the European Seismological Commission. He is one of the leaders of the Indonesian-German Tsunami Early Warning System being set up in the Indian Ocean. He is coordinator of the EC SAFER project on seismic early warning.

3 电子书 Jochen Zschau

Paolo Gasparini & Gaetano Manfredi: Earthquake Early Warning Systems
During the past few decades of the 20th and the first years of the present Century, economic losses and human casualties due to natural disasters increased exponentially on our planet, mainly because …
Friedemann Wenzel & Jochen Zschau: Early Warning for Geological Disasters
The past years have seen new technologies that could be utilized for early warning and real-time loss estimation. They include self-organizing sensor networks, new satellite imagery with high resolut …
Andreas N. Kuppers & Jochen Zschau: Early Warning Systems for Natural Disaster Reduction
This volume is the result of the International IDNDR-Conference on Early Warning Systems for the Reduction of Natural Disasters, held at the Geo- Forschungs Zentrum in Potsdam, Germany from 7-11 Sept …