We all have an intuitive mind. But education ignores intuition in favour of logic. So we are taught to think logically at school, while intuition is regarded as a sort of refined instinct, and something we can do nothing about.
We can treat intuition in the same way we can treat any other ability, such as writing or drawing, by practicing it and by taking every opportunity to use it. The more familiar we are with intuition, the more confident we will be about relying on it when the important decisions come along. And the bigger decisions in life are intuitive.
After reading this book, you’ll be able to:
- Understand what intuition is
- Understand different types of intuition
- Understand the methods of improving your intuition
- Understand the relation between intuition and calculation
- Understand situations where intuition is better than calculation and vice versa
- Understand advantages and disadvantages in having certain type of intuition
And lastly there are examples of real therapy sessions that made use of this method, including all the art that was done and the readings. In the end of the book there is a way of using the method to find your own core issue and dissolve it. This does not happen immediately, but if taken as a practice, will free you of your core issue and your life will change. It is a moving, beautiful and powerful book.
Chapter 1: The Power Of Intuition
Chapter 2: Building A Strong Foundation
Chapter 3: Harnessing Your Senses
Chapter 4: Deepening Your Connection To Others
Chapter 5: Expanding Your Knowledge Base
Chapter 6: Cultivating Creativity And Innovation
Chapter 7: Developing Intuition In Decision-making
Chapter 8: Strengthening Intuition Via Practice
Chapter 9: Overcoming Blocks And Challenges
Chapter 10: Integrating Intuition Into Your Life
Chapter 11: Embracing Your Inner Wisdom