作者: Joel Blau

Joel M. Blau, CFP®, is President of MEDIQUS Asset Advisors, Inc. Prior to co-founding the firm, Mr. Blau was Vice President and Senior Financial Counselor for AMA Investment Advisers, L.P. Mr. Blau leads MEDIQUS”s Institutional Services and has extensive experience analyzing and designing financial plans for healthcare professionals and medical organizations. He is an expert in not-for-profit investment management, wealth preservation through estate tax planning, retirement, investment, and insurance planning. He is the co-author of The Prescription for Financial Health: An Authoritative Guide for Physicians published by American Association for Physician Leadership.

3 电子书 Joel Blau

Joel Blau: Illusions of Prosperity
Faith in the free market–the idea that profit seeking, managed care companies will improve the health care delivery system–has become a hot topic in the public policy debate. But, as Joel Blau demo …
Joel Blau: Visible Poor
Taking an in-depth look at the causes of homelessness in the United States, Joel Blau disproves the convenient myths that most homeless are crazy, drug addicts, or lazy misfits who brought their suff …
Neil Baum & Peter Moskowitz: The Three Stages of a Physician’s Career
Today’s medical graduates are superbly trained to practice state-of-the art clinical medicine. However, only in rare instances are they trained to self-manage their careers and medical practices. Thi …