Sonja Thiel works as digital catalyst for Artificial Intelligence at Badisches Landesmuseum in Karlsruhe. She has a background in history and philosophy and has worked as a curator for participatory processes at cultural history museums. 2014-2020 she developed a blended-learning academy program in Museum Studies at the University of Freiburg. Her work focuses on the intersections between museology, participatory curatorial practice and open digital education.
Johannes C. Bernhardt is a cultural historian and teaches at the University of Konstanz. After holding positions at the universities of Freiburg, Mannheim and Bochum, he worked at the Badisches Landesmuseum from 2017 to 2023 on the intersection of digitality and participation, the development of the digital museum and artificial intelligence applications. His work focuses on ancient history, cultural management and digital transformation.
3 电子书 Johannes C. Bernhardt
Sonja Thiel & Johannes C. Bernhardt: AI in Museums
Artificial intelligence is becoming an increasingly important topic in the cultural sector. While museums have long focused on building digital object databases, the existing data can now become a fi …
Florian Arnold & Johannes C. Bernhardt: Digitalität von A bis Z
Von A wie Algorithmus bis Z wie Zukunft: Die Beiträge einschlägiger Wissenschaftler*innen erschließen eine große Vielfalt von Facetten der Digitalisierung. Sie bieten neben einer kompakten Einführung …
Alexander R. Galloway: Alphanumerische Philosophie
Digital und analog – was bedeuten diese Begriffe heute? Eine geläufige Antwort auf die Frage nach dem Digitalen ist der Verweis auf Internet, Smartphones, Spielkonsolen und Computer. Damit wird die g …