The Half-Hearted tells the story of Lewis Haystoun, a young Scottish aristocrat who struggles to find purpose and meaning. In the first part of the novel, set in late 19th century Scotland, Haystoun drifts through the privileged world of the upper class, unable to commit to relationships or a vocation. However, when duty calls in the second half, set in colonial India, Haystoun finds himself embroiled in a dangerous military campaign. This new setting awakens his sense of honor and masculine identity. Yet a dissonance remains between Haystoun’s inner world and external circumstances. Throughout, the novel explores how societal expectations and conventions shape, constrain, and conflict with personal growth and fulfillment.
语言 英语 ● 格式 EPUB ● 网页 159 ● ISBN 9781667630274 ● 文件大小 0.6 MB ● 出版者 Alien Ebooks ● 发布时间 2023 ● 下载 24 个月 ● 货币 EUR ● ID 9233160 ● 复制保护 无