<P>JOHN LUTHER ADAMS is one of the most distinctive voices in the American musical landscape, and is the author of Winter Music (2004). He lives outside Fairbanks. ALEX ROSS is the music critic for the New Yorker, and author of The Rest Is Noise (2007).</P>
2 电子书 John Luther Adams
John Luther Adams: The Place Where You Go to Listen
<P>Did Alaska create the music of John Luther Adams, or did the music create his Alaska? For the past thirty years, the vastness of Alaska has swept through the distant reaches of the composer’ …
John Luther Adams: Silences So Deep
"[An] illuminating memoir." -Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim, The New York Times The story of a composer’s life in the Alaskan wilderness and a meditation on making art in a landscape acutely t …