Who are the most famous cowboys of all times? Which are the most tantalizing conspiracy theories? What are those hummable one-hit wonders? This book answers these and more than forty other alluring riddles in a very artistic way. This is John Niemans latest installment of the Art of Lists trilogy and, perhaps, his most accomplished effort to date. His watercolor paintings are crisp, bold, and emotionally provocative. The lists, as usual, are clever and sometimes even esoteric. The accompanying poetry simply wraps it all in a very satisfying bow. The combination is a treat to the eye and a tickle for the mind.
John Nieman is a prolific international creative figure. His artwork has been awarded and exhibited in dozens of locales throughout every region of the United States. In addition, his paintings have been honored in galleries of Italy, Germany, Thailand, and Canada. His watercolors have a realistic sensibility and often suggest a symbolic layer, sometimes accentuated by the addition of words or music. In addition to three other art books, Mr. Nieman has authored three novels, a children’s book, and a volume of short stories. The father of five, he resides in Dobbs Ferry, New York.