Most people lose in the markets for one simple reason – they trade emotionally. Good trading is not a question of doing, it is a question of being. How do you trade?
Trading is a life experience. It is not like any other business. The beauty of trading is that it becomes an expression of your own personality. The truth is, good traders don’t do, they simply are. And to become a good trader you have to create a model built around an approach that suits you. The Way to Trade will help you do just that.
Find your own route to success.
John Piper has been involved with markets since his early twenties. In the late 1980s he started to trade options full time and did so right through the Crash of 1987 – an experience that stands him in good stead for the markets today. For over a decade he has been the editor of The Technical Trader, the leading newsletter in the UK for those who trade in futures and options markets worldwide.