This is not a manual on how to grieve quickly or successfully. Neither is it a ‘feel good’ volume offering certainty about an afterlife and future reunions with departed loved ones, although it does not discount such a possibility. While remaining sensitive to the corporeal world around us, as well as to such spiritual possibilities that there are, it is above all a journey into the intricate workings of the mind of a massively bereaved parent. At times it is confronting, at others hopeful; yet the reader will surely experience an empathy and perhaps greater understanding of one of the worst missiles that Life can fire at us. Grief is not an illness; it is a process that the bereaved must pass through in coming to terms with a new normal.
All proceeds from sales of this book go SUDC (Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood) a very important and worthwhile charity that receives no government funding.
About the author
John Spencer has a background in philosophy, travel, literature and history and has comprehensively explored the world around him. He has demonstrated expertise in, and current knowledge of, world politics and has a keen interest in the uses and misuses of social media. His websites are: and