There is a no more rewarding experience in restorative dentistry than to duplicate to perfection the colour, texture and surface anatomy of the human tooth. Dental porcelain is the closest match to tooth enamel of all our restorative materials but is perhaps the most difficult to use in dental practice.
A study of the science of dental porcelain will enable the dentist or technician to perfect his art since it develops an increasing awareness of the fundamental problems in construction.
Preparation design, the stresses developing in porcelain restorations, the influence of opaque backgrounds on colour, surface reflectivity and light transmission in crowns are some of the complex factors that influence the success of a porcelain veneer restoration.
A survey of metals, bonding systems, cements and impression materials will enable the clinician to select his materials with greater confidence. New research on the shoulder preparation for the veneer crown also sheds light on the controversy of the bevel versus the butt joint. The author has attempted to rationalise the use of both metal and alumina reinforced ceramics and to show how no ingle system can be applied universally if optimum aesthetics is to be achieved.
Monograph I: The Nature of Dental Ceramics
The Nature of Glasses
Condensation of Dental Porcelain
Monograph II: The Strengthening of Dental Porcelain
Mechanical Testing
Methods of Strengthening Dental Porcelain
Enamelling of Metals
Types of Metal-Ceramic Systems
Gold-Platinum-Palladium Alloys
Gold Bonding Agents
Alternative Alloy Systems
Nature of the Porcelains used in Metal-Ceramic Systems
The Nature of the Metal-Ceramic Bond
Technical Considerations
Base Metal Alloy/Porcelain Systems
Types of Metal/ Porcelain Failure
Technical Considerations-Base-Metal Alloy Systems
Evaluation of Metal-Ceramic Systems
Bonding of Porcelain to Precious Metals Using Tin Oxide Coatings
Dispersion Strengthening of Glasses
Types of Glass used with Alumina
Aluminous Porcelain
Influence of Alumina Crystal Concentration on Strength
Effect of Sintering Time on the Strength of Aluminous Porcelain
Dispersion Strengthening of Glass with Alumina Whiskers
Enamelling of High Strength Crystalline Ceramics
Controlled Crystallisation of Glasses
Technical Considerations
Monograph III: Aesthetics of Dental Porcelain
The Nature of Light
Optical Properties
Ultra-Violet Radiation and Fluorescence
Colour Production in Natural Teeth
Types of Porcelain Crowns
The Role of Opaque Porcelains in Obtaining Aesthetics
Requirements for a Tooth Shade Guide
Shade Matching
Determining Hue
Determining Chroma
Determining Value
Determining Metameric Effects
Blending of Colours
The Influence of Tooth Contour on Aesthetics
Reproducing Tooth Anatomy in Dental Porcelain
Full Mouth Reconstruction
Selected Reading
Monograph IV: Porcelain as a Restorative Material
Occlusion and Dental Porcelain
Indications for Use of Porcelain Jacket Crowns
Contra-Indications for Use of the Porcelain Jacket Crown
Indications for use of the Metal-Ceramic Crown
Contra-Indications for use of the Metal-Ceramic Crown
Aluminous Porcelain Compared with Metal-Ceramics
The Platinum bonded Alumina Crown
Clinical Cases
The Complete Porcelain Veneer Crown and the Platinum Bonded Alumina Crown
The Devitalised Tooth
The Preparation
Design Factors
Stress Analysis and Design Factors
The Bonded Alumina Crown and the Complete Porcelain Veneer Crown or Aluminous Porcelain Crown
The Atypical Preparation
The Typical Maxillary Central Incisor Preparation
The Preparation
Monitoring the Depth of the Preparation by Using a Temporary Crown as a Master Template
Construction of an Epimine Resin Temporary Crown
Common causes of Fracture in Porcelain Jacket Crowns
The Metal-Ceramic Veneer Crown
The Labial Shoulder
The shoulder and Chamfer Preparation
The Approximal and Lingual Shoulders
Recommended Designs for the Preparation and Metal Coping in Metal-Ceramic Crowns
The Metal-Ceramic Crown
Improving Retention of Metal-Ceramic Crowns
The Impression
The Elastic Impression
Procedures for taking Polysulphide or Polyether Elastomeric Impressions
Steel scalpel and electrosurgical cutting on gingival tissues and alveolar bone
Impression Technique
Common Causes of Failure in Elastomeric Impression Materials
Cementation of Porcelain and Metal-Ceramic Crowns