Gain an overview of learning analytics technologies in higher education, including broad considerations and the barriers to introducing them. This volume features the work of practitioners who led some of the most notable implementations, like:
* the Open Learning Initiative now at Stanford University,
* faculty-led projects at the University of Michigan, including ECoach and SLAM,
* the University of Maryland, Baltimore County s Check My Activity and
* Indiana University s FLAGS early warning system and e-course advising initiatives.
Readers will glean from these experiences, as well as from a national project in Australia on innovative approaches for enhancing student experience, an informed description of the role of feedback within these technologies, and a thorough discussion of ethical and social justiceissues related to the use of learning analytics, and why higher education institutions should approach such initiatives cautiously, intentionally, and collaboratively.
This is the 179th volume of the Jossey-Bass quarterly report series New Directions for Higher Education. Addressed to presidents, vice presidents, deans, and other higher education decision makers on all kinds of campuses, it provides timely information and authoritative advice about major issues and administrative problems confronting every institution.
John Zilvinskis, Victor M. H. Borden
1. An Overview of Learning Analytics 9
John Zilvinskis, James Willis, III, Victor M. H. Borden
2. Incorporating Learning Analytics in the Classroom 19
Candace Thille, Dawn Zimmaro
3. Learning Analytics Across a Statewide System 33
Catherine Buyarski, Jim Murray, Rebecca Torstrick
4. Learner Analytics and Student Success Interventions 43
Matthew D. Pistilli
5. Cultivating Institutional Capacities for Learning Analytics 53
Steven Lonn, Timothy A. Mc Kay, Stephanie D. Teasley
6. Using Analytics to Nudge Student Responsibility for Learning 65
John Fritz
7. Ethics and Justice in Learning Analytics 77
Jeffrey Alan Johnson
8. Learning Analytics as a Counterpart to Surveys of Student Experience 89
Victor M. H. Borden, Hamish Coates
9. Concluding Thoughts 103
John Zilvinskis, Victor M. H. Borden
Volume Editors:
Dr. John Zilvinskis is an Assistant Professor of Student Affairs Administration at Binghamton University – State University of New York.
Dr. Victor Borden is Professor of Higher Education within the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Indiana University Bloomington.
Series Editors:
Betsy Barefoot serves as Vice President and Senior Scholar for the John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education.
Jillian L. Kinzie is Associate Director at IU Center for Postsecondary Research.