Introduction.- Some Concepts on Gondwana Landscapes: Long-term Landscape Evolution, Genesis, Distribution, and Age.- Some Principles in the Study of Planation Surfaces.- Pla...
Introduction.- Some Concepts on Gondwana Landscapes: Long-term Landscape Evolution, Genesis, Distribution, and Age.- Some Principles in the Study of Planation Surfaces.- Planation Surfaces of the Gondwana Continents: Synthesis and Problems.- A Brief Review of the Development of Gondwana Landscape Studies in Africa, the Centre-piece of the Former Gondwana.- Modeling the Atmospheric Circulation and Climatic Conditions over Southern South America During the Late History of the Gondwana Super-Continent.- Gondwana Paleosurfaces in the State of Rio Grande Do Sul, Southern Brazil.- Ancient Landscapes of Uruguay.- A General Overview of Gondwana Landscapes in Argentina.- Planation Surfaces on the Paraná Basaltic Plateau, Southern South America.- Geomorphology of Paleosurfaces in the Sierras De Comechingones, Central Pampean Ranges, Argentina.- Gondwana Glacial Paleolandscape, Diamictite Record of Carboniferous Valley Glaciation, and Pre-glacial Remnants of an Ancient Weathering Front in Northwestern Argentina.- Planation Surfaces of Central Western Argentina.- The Erosional Surfaces and Granitic Landscape in Ignimbrites of Sierra De Lihuel Calel, Province of La Pampa, Argentina.- Paleolandscapes of the Northern Patagonian Massif.- The Rhyolitic Plateau of the Marifil Formation (Jurassic): A Gondwana Paleosurface in the Southeastern Portion of the Northern Patagonia Massif.- Meso-Cenozoic Paleotopographies and Paleolandscapes in the Deseado Massif (Santa Cruz Province, Argentina).- Pseudokarst and Speleothems in the Chihuido Granite, Province Of Mendoza, Argentina.- The Exhumation of the Northern Patagonian Massif Gondwana Planation Surface Due to Uprising During the Oligocene.