Professor José Rodríguez, Universidad Técnica
Federico Santa María, Chile Professor Rodriguez
has been at the Department of Electronics Engineering, University
Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, since 1977. From 2001 to 2004 he was
Director of the Department of Electronics Engineering of the same
university. In 1996 he was responsible for the Mining Division of
Siemens Corporation, Santiago, Chile. He has extensive consulting
experience in the mining industry, particularly in the application
of large drives.Professor Rodriguez” research group was
recoginized as one of the two Centers of Excellence in Engineering
in Chile from 2005 to 2008. He has directed more than 40 R&D
projects in the field of industrial electronics, and his main
research interests include multilevel inverters, new converter
topologies, control of power converters and adjustable-speed
drives. He has co-authored more than 250 journal and conference
papers and contributed one book chapter. Since 2002 he has been
active associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. He
received the Best Paper Award from the former in 2007.
Patricio Cortés, Universidad Técnica Federico
Santa María, Chile Dr Cortes joined the Electronics
Engineering Department UTFSM in 2003, where he is currently
Research Associate. His main research interests include power
electronics, adjustable speed drives and predictive control. He has
authored over 30 journal and conference papers, most of them in the
area of predictive control in power electronics. Dr Cortes received
the Best Paper Award from the IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Electronics in 2007.
24 电子书 Jose Rodriguez
Jose Rodriguez & Patricio Cortes: Predictive Control of Power Converters and Electrical Drives
Describes the general principles and current research into Model Predictive Control (MPC); the most up-to-date control method for power converters and drives The book starts with an introduction to t …
Jose Rodriguez & Patricio Cortes: Predictive Control of Power Converters and Electrical Drives
Describes the general principles and current research into Model Predictive Control (MPC); the most up-to-date control method for power converters and drives The book starts with an introduction to t …
James Spivey & Yi-Fan Han: Catalysis
Catalysts are required for a variety of applications and researchers are increasingly challenged to find cost effective and environmentally benign catalysts to use. This volume looks at modern approa …
Muhammad H. Rashid: Power Electronics Handbook
Power electronics, which is a rapidly growing area in terms of research and applications, uses modern electronics technology to convert electric power from one form to another, such as ac-dc, dc-dc, …
Frede Blaabjerg & Teresa Orlowska-Kowalska: Advanced and Intelligent Control in Power Electronics and Drives
Power electronics and variable frequency drives are continuously developing multidisciplinary fields in electrical engineering and it is practically not possible to write a book covering the entire a …
Mario D. Tello: Opciones de política económica en el Perú 2011-2015
Este libro busca abrir el debate académico entre expertos y profesionales sobre la política económica actual en el Perú y plantear a los lectores no académicos y a los ‘hacedores de políticas’ propue …
Miguel Lopez-Perez & Jose Rodriguez: Chymia
In September 2008, an international conference on the history of alchemy was held at El Escorial, close to the ancient location of the distilling houses operating under royal patronage during the sec …
Jose Rodriguez: Como construir la autodisciplina
¿Cuántas veces te has prometido mejorar tu autodisciplina, solo para encontrarte fallando solo unas cuantas semanas después? Invier …
Jose Rodriguez: Como dejar de procrastinar
¿Pospones las cosas a menudo? ¿Tienes problemas con la consiste …
Pedro Francke & José Rodríguez: Exclusión e inclusión social en el Perú
Los altos grados de desigualdad y exclusión que persisten en el Perú han marcado las reflexiones sociales en los últimos años. Si la pobreza era el tema central de preocupación en los años noventa en …
José Rodríguez: Surgical techniques. Small animal surgery
This volume of the Small Animal Surgery collection from Servet is a selection of the main surgical procedures explained in the previous volumes. The greatest asset of this book is that …
Rodolfo Brühl Day & Pablo Meyer: Small animal surgery: Surgery atlas, a step-by-step guide: Errors and complications in surgery
This new book in the Small Animal Surgery series reviews some of the surgical errors and complications that may occur in daily practice when performing surgery. It is intended for surgeons starting t …
José Rodríguez & Guillermo Couto: Small Animal Surgery
In this book, the authors describe the basic principles of haemostasis, their practical application in various clinical cases and the different techniques available. The digital version includes inst …
Leonardo Contreras & Héctor Fuentes: Algoritmos supervisados y de ensamble con python
El objetivo principal de este libro es proporcionar una visión general sobre cómo el Machine learning y sus técnicas pueden aplicarse para predecir variables numéricas o categóricas en diversos campo …
Jose Rodriguez: No es esto, es esto otro.
Este libro es único en su clase porque la información aquí presentada la pueden corroborar los buenos estudiantes de la Palabra. Siempre y cuando que usted conozca bien la materia, podrá sugerirle co …