Hugh R. Page, Jr. is Professor of Theology and Africana Studies at the University of Notre Dame, where he also serves as Vice President for Institutional Transformation and as Advisor to the President. An Episcopal priest, Page holds a bachelor”s in history from Hampton University, two master”s degrees from The General Theological Seminary in New York, a doctorate in ministry from the Graduate Theological Foundation, and master”s and doctoral degrees in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from Harvard University.
9 电子书 Jr. Hugh R. Page
Matthew J. M. Coomber & Jr. Hugh R. Page: Prophets: Fortress Commentary on the Bible
Ericka S. Dunbar Hill & Angela N. Parker: Bitter the Chastening Rod
Bitter the Chastening Rod follows in the footsteps of the first collection of African American biblical interpretation, Stony the Road We Trod (1991). Nineteen Africana biblical scholars contribute c …