Ruth Parker is an Occupational Therapy Practice Supervisor in the Children with Disabilities Team of Lincolnshire County Council, and a Ph D candidate at the University of Salford.Julia Badger is an Occupational Therapist working in the Lincolnshire Integrated Community Equipment Store, providing support to OT”s and other equipment prescribers in the county through guidance, information and training.
2 电子书 Julia Badger
Ruth Parker & Julia Badger: The Essential Guide for Newly Qualified Occupational Therapists
Starting out in practice can be difficult and confusing. This guide for newly qualified occupational therapists provides an authoritative overview of what to expect in your role and work settings, an …
Ruth Parker & Julia Badger: Key Skills for Housing Adaptations
Key Skills for Housing Adaptations delves into the crucial role occupational therapists play in helping people with additional needs adapt their homes in order to give them a better quality of life. …