History is a great teacher if we would learn from it. God spoke through the prophets about historical events which took place before Christ came to earth, during Christ’s time on earth and well past 70 Ad when the temple fell. God revealed through the prophets, many of the events which happened to the Jewish people during WWII. If you know history, you can see the fulfillment of these prophecies in part or whole. This book combines both. It compels us to widen our minds to the scope of what God wants us to see and understand. In order, to know more of His plans for Christ’s coming and to be ready to share His word.
Karen Brown dedicated her life to Christ when she was six years old, after learning Christ would rapture His followers. She has been dedicated to the pursuit of understanding prophecy and history. The research for this book included three thousand hours of reading and note taking of ninety three books and included the Greek and Hebrew texts.