Dana Moore is Electric Sheep Expedition in Second Life, where he runs a shop, creates clothes, and writes tons of scripts. Michael Thome (Vex Streeter) is a scripter-for-hire who develops everything from games to virtual toys. Dr. Karen Haigh (Karzita Zabaleta) enjoys writing scripts that push the boundaries of what is possible in SL. The authors have a combined 50 years of experience as enterprise software developers and are computer scientists for Internet pioneer BBN Technologies.
2 电子书 Karen Haigh
Dana Moore & Michael Thome: Scripting Your World
Find complete information about Second Life scripting and gain access to more than 50 previously unpublished ready-to-use scripts in Scripting Your World: The Official Guide to Second Life Scripting. …
Julia Andrusenko & Karen Haigh: Cognitive Electronic Warfare
This comprehensive book gives an overview of how cognitive systems and artificial intelligence (AI) can be used in electronic warfare (EW). Readers will learn how EW systems respond more quickly and …