This is the journey that saw Kate and Hugh step outside their comfort zone in every respect. Ditching jobs, saying goodbye to family in Sydney, and reducing their worldly belongings to what fit on a 13m sailing boat. It was a huge leap of faith for a new couple in their 30s. Throwing off the dock-lines to sail to…well, they really didn’t know where at the time.
While they enjoyed hundreds of beautiful sunsets, making new friends and rare encounters with the wild in nine countries, it wasn’t all smooth sailing. Dodging pirated waters and fierce storms, spending weeks at a time crossing lonely oceans. Let’s just say, it challenged them.
So, what does two years at sea do to a relationship?
We Come Here in Numbers
In The Beginning
Getting into our Sailing Groove
New Shores
The Spice Islands
Beneath the Surface
The Rainforest Island
A Perfect Christmas
Encounter with a Rat
Friends and Goodbyes
‘To Carry Under the Arms of the Sky’
The Church
Another Seven Hundred Miles
The Trade Economy
Coming Home
Post Script
About the Author
Kate is a 36 year old Sydney-sider who had almost no sailing experience before meeting Hugh. While working as a project manager and juggling two boys she wrote this story as a record of their sailing adventure. Kate and Hugh have aspirations to go sailing again and to take their boys while they are still young for a life-shaping experience.