作者: Kate Nachman

Ralph Carhart is the author of The Hall Ball: One Fan”s Journey to Unite Cooperstown Immortals with a Single Baseball [Mc Farland 2020], and the creator of the eponymous artifact that visited with every member of the Hall of Fame, living and deceased. With Not an Easy Tale to Tell, Ralph has contributed to six SABR volumes. His latest effort for SABR was the biography of Rachel Robinson, which appeared in 2021″s Jackie: Perspectives on 42. He is currently writing a history of Brooklyn, dating back to the Lenape Indians, as told through the lens of baseball.

1 电子书 Kate Nachman

Bill Nowlin & Kate Nachman: Not an Easy Tale to Tell
Few athletes have sparked the creative imaginations of artists more than Jackie Robinson. His presence can be seen in cinema, on television and on stages, big and small; even tucked within the pages …