作者: Kawser Ahmed

Kawser Ahmed is an adjunct Professor at University of Winnipeg (Political Science) and University of Manitoba (NRI). He received his Ph D in Peace and Conflict Studies from University of Manitoba in 2017 and completed his Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada’s post-doctoral fellowship at University of Winnipeg. He was an exchange officer with the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), an observer-Peacekeeper to the United Nations Missions in Western Sahara (MINURSO), and an alumnus at the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies (NESA) in Washington DC. He is associated with the Center for Defence and Security Studies (CDSS) as a research fellow and a member of the Writers Union of Canada. He leads a Winnipeg based not-for-profit organization named Conflict and Resilience Research Institute, Canada (CRRIC). His research interests are social conflict and peace building, radicalism and violent extremism prevention, and UN peacekeeping operations.   Md. Rafiqul Islam is a Professor at the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has a Ph D from Flinders University, Australia, and his thesis was awarded the John Lewis Silver Medal in South Australia. He had previously completed his bachelor’s degree in political science and has a master’s and an MPhil in peace and conflict studies from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has also completed an MA degree in environmental security and peace from the University for Peace, Costa Rica. His primary research interests include climate change, migration, refugees, peace, conflict, and development. Dr. Islam also has a keen interest in global politics, security, and peace issues and has published 40 articles and chapters across several publications based globally. Dr. Islam is currently involved in research in the field of Rohingya issues and statelessness in the Bengali borderland. Dr. Islam’s first book on “Climate Change, Migration and Conflict in Bangladesh” was published in 2023 by Routledge.

7 电子书 Kawser Ahmed

Kawser Ahmed & Patrick Belanger: Community-Focused Counter-Radicalization and Counter-Terrorism Projects
Following the launch of the global war on terror, western nations commissioned multiple community focused projects aimed at preventing terrorism and countering violent extremism. With an understandin …
Kawser Ahmed: Grassroots Approaches to Community-Based Peacebuilding Initiatives
Grassroots Approaches to Community-Based Peacebuilding Initiatives examines how change is affected in society by studying the experiences of community leaders involved in social activism in Winnipeg, …
Laura E. Reimer & Katerina Standish: Conflict Transformation, Peacebuilding, and Storytelling
This book serves as an important link between conflict resolution practice and education by providing research from the unique perspective and approach of the Arthur V. Mauro Centre for Peace and Jus …
Kawser Ahmed & Helal Mohiuddin: Rohingya Crisis
Myanmar’s security forces have conducted clearance operations in the Rakhine State since August 2017, driving a mass exodus of ethnic Rohingyas to neighboring Bangladesh. In The Rohingya Crisis: Anal …
Kawser Ahmed & Helal Mohiuddin: Rohingya Crisis and the Two-Faced God of Janus
The Rohingya Crisis is now in its fifth year with no end in sight. While the international community has supported the displaced Rohingyas in Bangladesh by providing humanitarian assistance, what is …
Kawser Ahmed & Del H Khan: Keeping Peace in a Turbulent World
This book shares the experiences of Bangladeshi and other UN peacekeepers serving in some of the world’s most challenging and remote regions. With a shared commitment to restoring global peace and sa …
Kawser Ahmed & Md. Rafiqul Islam: Understanding the Rohingya Displacement
This book provides a focused and comprehensive understanding of the conflict surrounding the Rohingya displacement, using a unique peace and conflict transformation viewpoint. Divided into four secti …