What are folk desperate for these days? A laugh, we reckon. And fortunately the readers of The Herald newspaper agree, as over the past year they have sent the newspaper’s Diary column their funniest moments, whether it’s about the daft things that happen in their office, the outrageous comments they are told in the pub, or just the eyebrow-raising observations they overhear on the train into town. They even have the occasional smile over politics, would you believe.And the very best of them are gathered in this handy volume. So if you want to know why Scotsmen still cannot understand their partners, the funniest claims made on the golf course, and the outrageous shenanigans of police officers, apprentices, shop-workers and school teachers, then look no further.
Ken Smith is the award-winning Glasgow journalist who gathers together the wit of the country in the Diary every day for Herald readers. He says it beats working for a living.