Frieda Ekotto is Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, and Comparative Literature and Francophone Studies at the University of Michigan.
Kenneth W. Harrow is Distinguished Professor of English at Michigan State University. He is author of Trash: African Cinema from Below (IUP, 2013).
2 电子书 Kenneth Harrow
Kenneth W. Harrow & Frieda Ekotto: Rethinking African Cultural Production
Frieda Ekotto, Kenneth W. Harrow, and an international group of scholars set forth new understandings of the conditions of contemporary African cultural production in this forward-looking volume. Arg …
Kenneth Harrow & Kizitus Mpoche: Language, Literature and Education in Multicultural Societies
This book presents a vivid overview of linguistic, literary and educational issues in a multicultural context from various perspectives. These range from large-scale surveys to specific analyses on a …