Like deeply-rooted grapevines that refuse to give up producing fruit, a group of talented Korean-American writers refuse to surrender their passion for the written word. With that in mind, the group shares a collection of literary works that reflect on their unique journeys through life as they battled challenges and embraced joys.
A diverse group of contributors who are in love with literacy and thrilled to make their debut in the English language transform their experiences as immigrants into heartfelt poems, essays, and stories that describe what it is like to travel across the world and begin anew in a country where nothing is familiar. In reflections that reveal how each faced culture shock, handled conflict between generations, learned acceptance, overcame despair, and in their own ways, created a harmonious world, the writers illuminate an unforgettable message that no matter where one is born, we all want the same things in life: love, peace, and happiness.
New York Literature shares a collection of poems, essays, and stories from first-generation Korean immigrants with the hope of building a bridge between generations and promoting communication with the world.
The Korean American Writers Association of Eastern USA has been serving as a doorstep for budding writers for twenty-six years. In 2014, the Association won the Byeng-Ju Lee International Literary Award that boosted member pride and motivated them to publish their first compilation of literary works in English.