10 电子书 Larry D. Alexander
Alexander Larry D. Alexander: Home and Church Bible Study Commentaries from the Apostle Paul’s First and Second Letters to the Corinthians
Paul’s first letter to the Church at Corinth was written to address the many problems that had cropped up, immediately following his founding of the church there, during his second missionary journey …
Alexander Larry D. Alexander: Home Bible Study Commentaries from the Gospel of John
John’s Gospel was most likely written sometime between A.D. 85 and 95. His depiction of JESUS is the most theological of the four gospels. He presents to us, a JESUS WHO existed with GOD, and, as GOD …
Alexander Larry D. Alexander: Larry D. Alexander Home and Church Bible Study Commentaries from Paul’s Letter to the Romans
Paul’s letter to the Romans is the most formal and systematic of his New Testament epistles. In fact, it has been called, and, is considered to be, the theological cornerstone of the New Testament. T …
Larry D. Alexander: Sunday School Lessons from the Book of the Acts of the Apostles
This Bible Study guide and Devotional contains 21 lessons, that have been pulled from the pages of the Book of Acts. They are designed to promote spiritual growth, and right living to those who choos …
Larry D. Alexander: Sunday School Lessons : From the Apostle Paul”s Letter to the Romans
This book contains 21 lessons that have been pulled from the pages of Paul”s Letter to the Romans. The lessons in this book, as well as in Alexander”s previous two books (Sunday school lessons from …
Alexander Larry D. Alexander: Sunday School Lessons from the Gospel According to John Mark
This Bible Study guide and Devotional contains 21 lessons, that have been pulled from the pages of the Gospel of Mark. They are designed to promote spiritual growth, and right living in the personal …
Larry D. Alexander: Home and Church Bible Study Commentaries from the Books of Galatians, Ephesians, & Philippians
Paul’s letter to the Galatians has been called “the Magna Charta of Christian Liberty”. It has also been labeled “the short version of Romans”, and “the cornerstone of the Protestant Reformation”. In …
Larry D. Alexander: Home and Church Bible Study Commentaries from the Book of Ezekiel
During this second invasion (597 B.C.), Nebuchadnezzar deported an even larger group of Judah’s upper and middle class citizens to Babylon, and among this group was a young twenty-six year old priest …
Larry D. Alexander: Home and Church Bible Study Commentaries from the Book of Acts
In Luke’s Gospel account, he emphasized the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT in the life of CHRIST JESUS. However, in the Book of Acts, he emphasizes the role of the HOLY SPIRIT, in the growth and develop …
Larry D. Alexander: The Twelve Tribes of Truth
elve Tribes of Truth The Twelve Tribes of Truth offers a new way to look at the subject of truth. It includes a solid and unique take on the foundation and character of truth. It presents truth with …