作者: Larry Neal

  Larry Neal is Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, and Fellow of the Cliometrics Society.

15 电子书 Larry Neal

Lilia Costabile & Larry Neal: Financial Innovation and Resilience
As Ignazio Visco, Governor of the Bank of Italy, says in his Foreword, all economic policy makers today need to re-examine our history to help them confront the challenges of today. This edited volum …
Neal Larry Neal: "I Am Not Master of Events"
Two of the greatest financial fiascos of all time took place at the same time and were instigated by two acquaintances: the Mississippi Bubble, on which John Law at first made a vast fortune and gain …
Larry Neal: The Forgotten Financiers of the Louisiana Purchase
This book provides a comprehensive account of how the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 was financed. Where existing research has focused predominantly on the political and diplomatic significance of the Pu …