A cross between Dr. Doolittle, Nanny Mc Phee, and a type-A Buddhist, Laurie Buchanan is an active listener, observer of details, payer of attention, reader and writer of books, kindness enthusiast, and an unabashed optimist. A former holistic health practitioner and transformational life coach, she holds a doctorate in holistic health with an emphasis in energy medicine. Her first two books, Note to Self: A Seven-Step Path to Gratitude and Growth, and The Business of Being: Soul Purpose In and Out of the Workplace, are nonfiction titles designed to motivate, inspire, and transform. Laurie lives in the Pacific Northwest with her pilot-husband, Len, and their Irish Wolfhound, Willa. She enjoys yoga, long walks, bicycling, photography, and travel. To learn more, please visit her website at www.lauriebuchanan.com. She resides in Boise, Idaho.
7 电子书 Laurie Buchanan
Laurie Buchanan: Note to Self
Baggage! We all carry it with us through life. It comes in a wide variety of styles, shapes, and colorsmore than enough to accommodate the stuff that we accumulate through life. And no matter how we …
Laurie Buchanan & Jim Fensom: Programa del Diploma del IB Oxford: IB Matematicas Nivel Medio Libro del Alumno
Con material de orientacion directo del IB unico en su tipo, mas de 700 paginas de practicas y la cobertura mas exhaustiva y precisa del programa de estudios, este libro del alumno ofrece una prepara …
Laurie Buchanan: Indelible
When a sniper killed his partner, Sean Mc Pherson was injured in the ambush. Now an ex-cop, he takes a job at a writing retreat in the Pacific Northwest. At Pines & Quill, he hopes to heal and put hi …
Laurie Buchanan: Iconoclast
Burdened by the pressing weight of survivor’s guilt, Sean Mc Pherson, an ex-cop, is desperate for redemption. At Pines & Quill, a writer’s retreat in the Pacific Northwest, he and his fiancée, E …
Natasha Awada & Laurie Buchanan: Oxford IB Diploma Programme: MatemA!ticas IB: AnA!lisis y Enfoques Nivel Medio libro digital
El libro digital, con un enfoque basado en conceptos, se ha desarrollado en cooperaci A n con la organizaci A n IB para proporcionar un apoyo completo al nuevo programa de estudios de Matem A!ticas: …
Laurie Buchanan: Impervious
In the village of Fairhavennestled between Washington state’s Bellingham Bay and the Cascade Mountains, home to writers’ retreat Pines & Quill, friends and family have gathered for the union of Sean …
Laurie Buchanan: Iniquity
Crime boss Georgio Gambino abducts Sean ‘;Mick’ Mc Pherson’s pregnant wife, Emma, and his friend’s two daughters and contracts to sell them and another group of womensome into forced labor, others as …