Table of Contents:
Part 1: The Discipline of Hearing
1. Exegesis as a Theological Discipline
2. Listening To and Listening For
Part 2: The Presence of the Prior Word
3. Challenged by the Greek Precedent
4. Energized by Jewish Beginnings
5. Paul: Problem and Promise
6. Death and Afterlife in the New Testament
Part 3: The Word as Criterion
7. The Penetrating Word
8. Scripture and Canon
9. The Gospel’s Promise of Salvation
Part 4: A Word for Bearers of the Word
10. Our Identity’s Dimensions
11. A Word for Us Theologians
12. Is There Good News for Ministers Too?
13. The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Knowledge
Part 5: The Word Borne
14. Summoned to Christian Unity
15. King Jesus?
16. Are You the Coming One?
17. Promise and Hope
Leander Keck is Professor of Biblical Theology Emeritus at Yale Divinity School. He is author of numerous published works, including Who Is Jesus?, Paul and His Letters, Romans, The Church Confident, The Pauline Letters, and A Future for the Historical Jesus. He is also the general editor and senior New Testament editor of The New Interpreter’s Bible.