Linda and her husband Tom, live in a rustic hunting lodge that was built in 1925 and overlooks Lake Washington and the Olympic Mountain Range. They have been blessed to live in this amazing location since 1974 and since that time have created a wonderful energy-center. They enjoy making their space available to those who come for workshops, healing sessions, or just to spend time in the crystal gardens.
Among other things, Linda loves nature, gardening, writing, reading, growing spiritually, walking, running and spending loving time with Tom, children, grandchildren and dear friends. Besides her professional work, which brings her immense joy, Linda donates time in service to others.
8 电子书 Linda Baker
Linda Baker: Soul Contracts
What are soul contracts and what roles do they play in our lives? How do you recognize your own soul contracts? Why is this knowledge so important for personal and spiritual growth? Can we communicat …
George Mozdzynski & Walter Zwieflhofer: USE OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING IN…
Geosciences and, in particular, numerical weather prediction are demanding the highest levels of available computer power. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, with its experience …
Norbert Kreitz & Walter Zwieflhofer: REALIZING TERACOMPUTING
Geosciences and in particular numerical weather prediction are demanding the highest levels of available computer power. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, with its experience in …
Peter Afflerbach & Linda Baker: Developing Engaged Readers in School and Home Communities
This book comprises a synthesis of current directions in reading research, theory, and practice unified by what has been referred to as the engagement perspective of reading. This perspective guides …
Peter Afflerbach & Linda Baker: Developing Engaged Readers in School and Home Communities
This book comprises a synthesis of current directions in reading research, theory, and practice unified by what has been referred to as the engagement perspective of reading. This perspective guides …
Linda Baker: "I Can’t Tell It All"
This is a story of one womans fight to recover from mental illness. Diagnosed as Schizophrenic in 1986, the author writes about the struggles of poverty, abandonment and hopelessness that can come wi …