Introduction. Lisya Seloni and Sarah Henderson Lee: Issues and Perspectives in Second Language Writing Teacher Education in Non-English Dominant Contexts
Chapter 1. Alan Hirvela: Exploring Second Language Writing Teacher Education: The Role of Adaptive Expertise
Chapter 2. Icy Lee: Second Language Writing Teacher Education and Feedback Literacy Development: Perspectives from Hong Kong
Chapter 3. Zhiwei Wu and Xiaoye You: English Writing Teachers’ Concept Development in China
Chapter 4. Keiko Hirose and Chris Harwood: Factors Influencing English as a Foreign Language Writing Instruction in Japan from a Teacher Education Perspective
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Chapter 5. Sarah J. Mc Carthey: Teacher Preparation for Writing Instruction in Singapore
Chapter 6. Tanita Saenkhum: English Writing Instruction and Teacher Preparation in Thailand: Perspectives from the Primary and Secondary Schools
Chapter 7. Sarah Henderson Lee and Shyam B. Pandey: Writing Pedagogy and Practice in South Asia: A Case of English Language Teachers and Teacher Trainers in Nepal
Chapter 8. Thomas D. Mitchell and Silvia Pessoa: Scaffolding Second Language Disciplinary Writing in Qatar: A Case Study of a Design Teacher’s Development
Chapter 9. Aylin Ünaldi, Lisya Seloni, Şebnem Yalçin, and Nur Yiğitoğlu Aptoula: The Role of Writing in an English as a Foreign Language Teacher Preparation Program in Turkey: Institutional Demands, Pedagogical Practices and Student Needs
Chapter 10. Alev Özbilgin and Betil Eröz: Opportunities and Resources for Pre-service English Teachers to Teach Writing: The Case of Northern Cyprus
Chapter 11. Lourdes Cerezo, Belén González-Cruz and José Ángel Mercader: English as a Foreign Language Writing Teacher Education and Development in Spain: The Relevance of a Focus on Second Language Writing as a Tool for Second Language Development
Chapter 12. Darío Luis Banegas, Marianela Herrera, Cristina Nieva, Luisina Doroñuk and Yanina Salgueiro: ‘Writing Makes us Professional’: Second Language Writing in Argentinian Teacher Education
Chapter 13. Solange Aranha and Luciana C. de Oliveira: Second Language Writing Teacher Education in Brazil
Chapter 14. Melinda Reichelt: Preparing Teachers to Teach Writing in Various English as a Foreign Language Contexts