Kevin Anderson is a Brussels-educated Dublin horn player whose films (with director Murray Grigor) include Sean Connery’s Edinburgh, The Demarco Dimension, Nineveh on the Clyde, and Is Mise an Teanga. His theatre work includes: The Musical Beasts; Men, an Irish Musical; and The Wolf and Peter. He is a co-translator of Louis de Paor”s dual language selections The Brindled Cat and the Nightingale’s Tongue (Bloodaxe Books / Cló Iar-Chonnacht, 2014) and Crooked Love / Grá fiar (Bloodaxe Books / Cló Iar-Chonnacht, 2022).
6 电子书 Louis de Paor
Louis de Paor: Leabhar na hAthghabhála
Poetry Book Society Recommended Translation Irish-English bilingual edition This is the first comprehensive critical anthology of modern poetry in Irish with English translations. It forms a sequel t …
Louis de Paor: Brindled Cat and the Nightingale’s Tongue
Louis de Paor is one of Ireland’s leading Irish-language poets, and was a key figure in the Irish language poetry renaissance of the 1980s and 90s. He has worked closely on English translations of hi …
Louis de Paor: Agus Rud Eile De
(An Irish-language title) This collection is a collaboration between two different artists working in two different mediums. Kathleen Furey’s images of loss and separation provide a counterpoint to L …
Louis de Paor: Ag Greadadh Bas sa Reilig
This substantial collection of 59 poems will be welcomed by many who are curious to discover Louis de Paor’s poetry, but have been unable to do so until now as these poems have not previously been pu …
Louis de Paor: Crooked Love / Grá fiar
Louis de Paor is one of Ireland’s leading Irish-language poets, and was a key figure in the Irish language poetry renaissance of the 1980s and 90s. His dual-language selection The Brindled Cat and th …
Louis de Paor: Agus Rud Eile De
(An Irish-language title) This collection is a collaboration between two different artists working in two different mediums. Kathleen Furey’s images of loss and separation provide a counterpoint to L …