4 电子书 M. Hossain Ali
M Hossain Ali: Principles and Practices of Engineering and Industrial Economics
Every dollar an executive proposes to spend or proposes not to spend has to be subjected to economic decision making. Expenditure and investment proposals can be for cost reduction or income expansio …
M Hossain Ali: Principles and Practices of Water Resources Development and Management
Freshwater management challenges are increasingly common. Allocation of limited water resources between agricultural, municipal and environmental uses now requires the full integration of supply, dem …
Moncef Berhouma: Bone Tumors
Bone tumors are very rare, accounting for less than 0.2% of all cancers. As our understanding of these tumors at the molecular level is improving, as well as recent advances in imaging and treatments …
Rajarshi Kumar Gaur & Hemant K. Gautam: Molecular Biology of Bacteria
Molecular Biology has proved to be one of the more fruitful technological approaches to science, being both very powerful and able to generate valuable intellectual property. This book aims to presen …