作者: M. T. White

An avid reader of sword-and-sorcery stories with an erotic twist, M. T. White is a consummate armchair historian with a particular interest in the Middle East, Europe, India, and East Asia. The author is also a mythology enthusiast with a love for folklore of all kinds, from the myths of the ancient Egyptians to tale of the Arabian Nights and everything in between.

3 电子书 M. T. White

M.T. White: Ahrahyah and the Crown of Fahrahshan
Beautiful and curvaceous beyond compare, Ahrahyah lives in gilded bondage as the favorite concubine of the Sultan of Fahrahshan. Having provoked the ire of the Sultan’s wife after years of indulging …
M. T. White: PLCs for Beginners
With the rise of smart factories and advanced technology, the demand for PLC programmers with expertise beyond ladder logic is surging. Written by M.T. White, a seasoned Dev Ops engineer and adjunct …
M. T. White: Mastering PLC Programming
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a new feature of PLC programming that has taken the automation world by storm. This book provides you with the necessary skills to succeed in the modern automatio …