to Neotropical Montane Oak Forests.- Global and Neotropical Distribution and Diversity of Oak (genus Quercus) and Oak Forests.- Paleo-Ecology and Biogeography.- Immigration of Oak into Northern South America: a Paleo-Ecological Document.- Effects of the Younger Dryas Cooling Event on Late Quaternary Montane Oak Forest in Costa Rica.- Altitudinal Zonation of Montane Oak Forests Along Climate and Soil Gradients in Costa Rica.- Saprotrophic and Ectomycorrhizal Macrofungi of Costa Rican Oak Forests.- Diversity and Biogeography of Lichens in Neotropical Montane Oak Forests.- Epiphytic Communities of Bryophytes and Macrolichens in a Costa Rican Montane Oak Forest.- Stand Structure and Composition.- Composition and Structure of Humid Montane Oak Forests at Different Sites in Central and Eastern Mexico.- Oak Forests of the Hyper-Humid Region of La Chinantla, Northern Oaxaca Range, Mexico.- Structure and Composition of Costa Rican Montane Oak Forests.- Structure and Composition of Colombian Montane Oak Forests.- Population Dynamics.- Regeneration and Population Dynamics of Quercus rugosa at the Ajusco Volcano, Mexico.- Ecology of Acorn Dispersal by Small Mammals in Montane Forests of Chiapas, Mexico.- Establishment, Survival and Growth of Tree Seedlings Under Successional Montane Oak Forests in Chiapas, Mexico.- Population Structures of Two Understory Plant Species Along an Altitudinal Gradient in Costa Rican Montane Oak Forests.- Ecosystem Disturbance and Regeneration.- Secondary Succession in Montane Pine-Oak Forests of Chiapas, Mexico.- Changes in Diversity and Structure Along a Successional Gradient in a Costa Rican Montane Oak Forest.- Regeneration Dynamics in a Costa Rican Montane Oak Forest After Reduced-Impact Logging.- Growth and Physiological Responses of Oak, Pine and Shrub Seedlings to Edge Gradients in a Fragmented Mexican Montane Oak Forest.- Morphological Variations of Gall-Forming Insects on Different Species of Oaks (Quercus) in Mexico.- Above-Ground Water and Nutrient Fluxes in Three Successional Stages of Costa Rican Montane Oak Forest with Contrasting Epiphyte Abundance.- Changes in Fine Root System Size and Structure During Secondary Succession in a Costa Rican Montane Oak Forest.- Soil Seed Bank Changes Along a Forest Interior-Edge-Pasture Gradient in a Costa Rican Montane Oak Forest.- Frugivorous Birds, Habitat Preference and Seed Dispersal in a Fragmented Costa Rican Montane Oak Forest Landscape.- Diet and Habitat Preference of the Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno costaricensis) in Costa Rican Montane Oak Forest.- Small Terrestrial Rodents in Disturbed and Old-Growth Montane Oak Forest in Costa Rica.- Habitat Preference, Feeding Habits and Conservation of Baird’s Tapir in Neotropical Montane Oak Forests.- Conservation and Sustainable Use.- Dynamics and Silviculture of Montane Mixed Oak Forests in Western Mexico.- Vascular Epiphytes and Their Potential as a Conservation Tool in Pine-Oak Forests of Chiapas, Mexico.- Land Use, Ethnobotany and Conservation in Costa Rican Montane Oak Forests.- Charcoal Production in a Costa Rican Montane Oak Forest.- Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Central American Montane Oak Forests.- Economic Valuation of Water Supply as a Key Environmental Service Provided by Montane Oak Forest Watershed Areas in Costa Rica.- Synthesis.- Neotropical Montane Oak Forests: Overview and Outlook.