Understanding, modeling and prediction of mesoscale processes in the atmosphere, ocean and environmental systems, have gained importance in the last decade or so. This is because of the availability of more sophisticated observational systems, provided by technological innovations and more realistic simulations using advanced dynamical models.
This volume contains many original findings on mesoscale processes in atmospheric and oceanic systems through mathematical modeling, numerical simulations and field experiments. These scientific papers examine and provide the latest developments on a range of topics that include tropical cyclones/hurricanes, mesoscale variability and modeling, seasonal monsoons and land surface processes including atmospheric boundary layer. This volume will be useful as a reading material in graduate level courses dealing with mesoscale systems, weather, climate, monsoon variability and boundary layer. The scientific community at large will find this book a useful addition to their personal and institutional libraries.
Tropical Cyclone.- Addressing Hurricane Intensity through Angular Momentum and Scale Energetics Approaches.- On the Prediction of Tropical Cyclones over the Indian Region Using a Synthetic Vortex Scheme in a Mesoscale Model.- Numerical Simulation of Andhra Severe Cyclone (2003): Model Sensitivity to the Boundary Layer and Convection Parameterization.- Mesoscale Variability and Modelling.- Impact of Doppler Radar Wind in Simulating the Intensity and Propagation of Rainbands Associated with Mesoscale Convective Complexes Using MM5-3DVAR System.- Observation of Sea Breeze Front and its Induced Convection over Chennai in Southern Peninsular India Using Doppler Weather Radar.- Variability of Convective Activity over the North Indian Ocean and its Associations with Monsoon Rainfall over India.- Sensitivity of Mesoscale Surface Dynamics to Surface Soil and Vegetation Contrasts over the Carolina Sandhills.- The Assimilation of GPS Radio Occultation Data and its Impact on Rainfall Prediction along the West Coast of India during Monsoon 2002.- An Experiment Using the High Resolution Eta and WRF Models to Forecast Heavy Precipitation over India.- Sensitivity of Mesoscale Model Forecast During a Satellite Launch to Different Cumulus Parameterization Schemes in MM5.- Seasonal Monsoon.- Experimental Seasonal Forecast of Monsoon 2005 Using T170L42 AGCM on PARAM Padma.- Sensitivity of Indian Monsoon to Entrainment and Detrainment in Mass Flux Schemes.- An Objective Approach for Prediction of Daily Summer Monsoon Rainfall over Orissa (India) due to Interaction of Mesoscale and Large-scale Synoptic Systems.- Interactive Aspects of the Indian and the African Summer Monsoon Systems.- The Preferred Structure of the Interannual Indian Monsoon Variability.- Wintertime Seasonal Scale Simulation over Western Himalaya Using Reg CM3.- A Seasonal Statistical Evaluation of COAMPS® over the Arabian Gulf Region.- Influence of Pacific on Southern Indian Ocean Rossby Waves.- Land Surface Processes.- A Simple Reclassification Method for Correcting Uncertainty in Land Use/Land Cover Data Sets Used with Land Surface Models.- Analysis of Weak Wind Stable Conditions from the Observations of the Land Surface Processes Experiment at Anand in India.- Simulation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Characteristics during Indian Summer Monsoon using Observations from Monsoon Trough Boundary Layer Experiment at Jodhpur, India.- Evolutionary Features of Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (MABL) over the Arabian Sea and the Onset of Monsoon over Kerala during ARMEX-2003.