Is it possible to be both lazy and successful? Marc Allen answers this question with a resounding YES! In this miraculous little book, you’ll learn an extraordinarily simple four-step program and discover how you can achieve your dreams in life — even if you’re lazy, inexperienced, overwhelmed, or financially challenged. And if you’re a workaholic or a Type A, you’ll learn how to have more time for relaxation and fun — and still be successful.
Marc Allen is a renowned author, composer, and speaker. On the day he turned thirty, Marc cofounded New World Library with Shakti Gawain, and as the company’s president and publisher, he has guided it from a small start-up operation with no capital to become one of the leading publishers in its field. He has written numerous books, including The Greatest Secret of All, Visionary Business, The Millionaire Course, and The Type-Z Guide to Success. He has also recorded several albums of music, including Awakening, Breathe, and Solo Flight. He is a popular speaker and seminar leader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. For more about Marc, including his free monthly teleseminars, see www.Marc For more about his music (including free samples), see www.Watercourse