Workplace health is now recognised as having major legal, financialand efficiency implications for organizations. Psychologists areincreasingly called on as consultants or in house facilitators tohelp design work processes, assess and counsel individuals andadvise on change management.
The second edition of this handbook offers a comprehensive, authoritative and up-to-date survey of the field with a focus onthe applied aspects of work and health psychology.
An unrivalled source of knowledge and references in the field, forstudents and academics, this edition also reflects the need torelate research to effective and realistic interventions in theworkplace.
* Editors are outstanding leaders in their fields
* Focuses on linking research to practice
* Over 50% new chapters. New topics include Coping, The Psychological Contract and Health, Assessment and Measurement of Stress and Well-Being, the Effects of Change, and chapters of Conflict and Communication
About the Editors.
List of Contributors.
Introduction (M. Schabracq, et al.).
Everyday Well-Being and Stress in Work and Organisations (M.Schabracq).
Organisational Culture, Stress and Change (M. Schabracq).
The Effects of Work Stress on Health (A. Shirom).
Individual Differences, Work Stress and Health (N. Semmer).
Job Control, Physical Health and Psychological Well-Being (F. Jonesand B. Fletcher).
The Psychological Contract, Health and Well-Being (D. Guest and N.Conway).
Flexibility at Work in Relation to Employee Health (T.Theorell).
Work and Health Psychology as a Scientific Discipline: Facing the Limits of the Natural Science Paradigm (A. Griffiths and M.Schabracq).
A Risk Management Approach to the Prevention of Work Stress (T.Cox, et al.).
New Technologies and Stress (K. Hamborg and S. Greif).
Women’s Coping: Communal Versus Individualistic Orientation (S.Hobfoll, et al.).
Work Experiences, Stress and Health among Managerial Women:Research and Practice (R. Burke).
Work/Non-Work Interface: A Review of Theories and Findings (S.Geurts and E. Demerouti).
Alcohol and Drug Misuse and the Organization (A. Guppy and J.Marsden).
Issues of the Second Career Half (M. Schabracq).
Policies and Strategies for the Second Career Half (M.Schabracq).
Acute Stress at Work (R. Kleber and P. van der Velden).
Burnout: An Overview of 25 Years of Research and Theorizing (W.Schaufeli and B. Buunk).
Job Design and Well-Being (M. Kompier).
Organizational Learning (J. Meyer).
Management Development, Well-Being and Health in the Twenty-First Century (J. Whittington, et al.).
Conflict at Work and Individual Well-Being (C. De Dreu, etal.).
Creating Shared Commitment for Results: How to Talk about Accountability (K. Ryan).
Stress Management at Work: Secondary Prevention of Stress (L.Murphy).
A FIT Approach to Work Stress and Health (B. Fletcher).
Coaching and Counselling in Organizational Psychology (J.Meyer).
What an Organisation Can Do about its Employees’ Well-Being and Health: An Overview (M. Schabracq).
Epilogue (M. Schabracq, et al.).
Dr Marc J. Schabracq (1949, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; [email protected]) is a work and health psychologist. As an independent organizational consultant, Marc Schabracq has acquired much experience with the human aspect of organizations (organizational culture change, leadership, personal transitions, stress management and personal integrity) in a great number of profit and non-profit organizations. In addition, he has worked at the University van Amsterdam since 1973, and subsequently in clinical psychology, social psychology and – since 1987 – work and organizational psychology. He has produced more than 20 scholarly and professional books about psychology, as well as more than 100 articles and book chapters. In addition, he has written three novels and a bundle of short stories.
Jacques A. M. Winnubst is the author of The Handbook of Work and Health Psychology, 2nd Edition, published by Wiley.
Cary Cooper is Professor of Organisational Psychology and Health at the Manchester School of Management, UMIST. He has authored over 80 books and 300 scholarly articles on different aspects of occupational health in general and stress in particular, and is a frequent contributor to the media. He is founding editor of the Journal of Organisational Behaviour, co-editor of Stress Medicine and the International Journal of Management Review. He is a Fellow of the BPS, the Royal Society of Arts, the Royal Society of Medicine and the Royal Society of Health. Currently, Professor Cooper is President of the British Academy of Management, a Companion of the Institute of Management and a Fellow of the American Academy of Management.