‘Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors’ is a well-established, specialist conference, held every 2 years, covering a range of topics of current interest to R&D in semiconductor physics/materials, optoelectronics, nanotechnology, quantum information processing. Papers accepted for publication are selected and peer-reviewed by members of the Program Committee during the conference to ensure both rapid and high-quality processing.
The proceedings of this series of conferences constitute a comprehensive source of reference of the acknowledged state of the art in the field.
Electron transport in curved low dimensional electron systems.- Fabrication and Characterization of In As Mesoscopic Devices.- Nonlinear Effects on Quantum Interference in Electron Billiards.- Prediction of Entanglement Detection by I-V Characteristics.- Simulation of Entanglement Creation for Carrier-Impurity Scattering in a 2D System.- Super-Poissonian Current Fluctuations in Tunneling Through Coupled Quantum Dots.- Ultrafast Formation of Coupled Phonon-Plasmon Modes in In P Observed with Femtosecond Terahertz Spectroscopy.- Optical Coherent Control of Polariton Modes in Zn Se Single-Quantum Wells.- Optical Properties of Coupled Quantum Disk-Waveguide Structure.- Picosecond Spin-Preserving Carrier Capture in In Ga As/Ga As Quantum Dots.- Influence of Surfaces on the Pure Dephasing of Quantum Dots.- Exploiting the Non-Markovian Nature of Carrier-Phonon Dynamics: Multi-Pulse Control of Decoherence in Quantum Dots.- Numerical Study of Weak Localization Effects in Disordered Cavities.- Carrier Scattering by Optical Phonons, Two-Phonon Processes in Photon Absorption, and Spontaneous Polarization in Wurtzites.- Terahertz Plasma Oscillations in Nanotransistors.- High-Intensity THz Radiation From a Large Interdigitated Array Photoconductive Emitter.- Broadband Terahertz Emission From Ion-Implanted Semiconductors.- THz Collective Real-Space Oscillations of Ballistic Electrons in Wide Parabolic Potential Wells: an Exotic Transport Regime.- Effect of Injector Doping on Non-Equilibrium Electron Dynamics in Mid-Infrared Ga As/Al Ga As Quantum Cascade Lasers.- Experimental Investigation of Hot Carriers in THz and Mid-IR Quantum Cascade Lasers.- Time- and Spectrally Resolved THz Photoconductivity in Quantum Hall Devices.- Transport Properties and Terahertz Emission in Narrow Minigap Ga As-Ga Al As Superlattices.- Investigation of Antenna-Coupled MOM Diodes for Infrared Sensor Applications.- Transport and Noise in Ultrafast Unipolar Nanodiodes and Nanotransistors.- Monte Carlo Study of Coupled SO Scattering in Si MOSFETs with High ?- Dielectric Gate Stacks: Hot Electron and Disorder Effects.- Implementation of Separable Scattering Mechanisms in Three-Dimensional Quantum Mechanical Simulations of Devices.- A 2D-NEGF Quantum Transport Study of Unintentional Charges in a Double Gate Nanotransistor.- Wigner Function RTD Simulations with DMS Barriers.- High Field Transport in Ga N and Al Ga N/Ga N Heterojunction Field Effect Transistors.- Impact Ionization and High-Field Electron Transport in Ga N.- Studies of High Field Transport in a High-Quality In N Film by Ultrafast Raman Spectroscopy.- Monte Carlo Investigation of Dynamic Transport in Nitrides.- High-Field Transport in Nitride Channels: a Hot-Phonon Bottleneck.- Quantum Transport and Spin Polarization in Strongly Biased Semiconductor Superlattices with Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling.- Temperature Dependent Transport in Spin Valve Transistor Structures.- Spin Filtering Effects in a Quantum Point Contact.- Exchange Effects in the Wigner-Function Approach.- Few-Particle Quantum Transmitting Boundary Method: Scattering Resonances Through a Charged 1D Quantum Dot.- The R-? Approach to Tunnelling in Nanoscale Devices.- Monte Carlo Simulation of Solid-State Thermionic Energy Conversion Devices Based on Non-Planar Heterostructure Interfaces.- Simulations of Inelastic Tunnelling in Molecular Bridges.- Phonon Effects in Nanotubes: Phase Space Reduction and Electron Conductance.- Carbon Nanotubes Films for Sensing Applications: From Piezoresistive Sensor to Gas Sensing.- Electro-Thermal Transport in Silicon and Carbon Nanotube Devices.- Silicon-Based Ion Channel Platforms.- Implicit Water Simulations of Non-Equilibrium Charge Transport in Ion Channels.- An Investigation of the Dependence of Ionic Conduction on the Dielectric Properties of Porin.- Physical Mechanisms for Ion-Current Levelling Off in the Kcs A Channel Through Combined Monte Carlo/Molecular Dynamics Simulations.- Simulations of the Gramicidin A Channel by Using the TR-PNP Model.- Phonon Emission and Absorption by Holes in the HOMO Bands of Duplex DNA.- An Impedance Network Model for the Electrical Properties of a Single-Protein Nanodevice.- Field Effect Transistor Constructed of Novel Structure With Short-Period (Ga As)n/(Al As)m Superlattice.- Predominance of Geminate Process of Exciton Formation in Al Ga As Layers at Low Excitation.- Electron-Distribution Function for the Boltzmann Equation in Semiconductors.- Giant Increase of Electron Saturated Drift Velocity in a MODFET Channel.- Technological Crossroads: Silicon or III–V for Future Generation Nanotransistors.- Optical Phonon Modes and Electron-Phonon Interaction in a Spheroidal Quantum Dot.- Terahertz Negative Differential Conductivity in Heterostructures due to Population Inversion and Bunching of Ballistic Electrons.- Carrier Dynamics of Single Zn O Nanowires.- Traditional Hot-Electron MOS Devices for Novel Optoelectronic Applications.- Investigation of Self- Heating Effects in Individual SOI Devices and Device-Device Interactions.- Measurements of the Electrical Excitation of QH-Devices in the Real Time Domain.- Impact Ionization and Avalanche Multiplication in Al Ga As: a Time-Resolved Study.- Fermi-Dirac Statistics in Monte Carlo Simulations of In Ga As MOSFETs.- Monte Carlo Study of the Suppression of Diffusion Noise.- Tera Hertz Emission From Nanometric HEMTs Analyzed by Noise Spectra.- Electron Transport in Novel Sb-based Quantum Cascade Lasers.- Quantum Phonon-Limited High-Field Electron Transport in Semiconductors.- Transit Time and Velocity Distribution Functions in Decananometer Gate-Length SOI MOSFETs.- Collision of Fano Resonances in a Molecular Ring.- Simulation of Domain Formation in p-Si/Si Ge Quantum Cascade Structures.- Calculation of Optical Gain and Electron Relaxation Rates in Single- and Double-Phonon Resonant Quantum Cascade Lasers in a Magnetic Field.- Curvature-Dependent Conductance Resonances in Quantum Cavities.- Mid-Infrared Optical Absorption in Germanium Under Intense Laser Fields.- Interface Related Radiative Recombination on a Type-II Broken-Gap Single Galn As Sb/In As Heterojunction.- Drift and Diffusion in Superlattices Within the Wannier-Stark Approach.- Ballistic Transport in Arbitrary Oriented Nanowire MOSFETs.- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Ultrathin Silicon-on-Insulator.- Effect of Regular and Irregular Potential Perturbations in Mesoscopic Cavities.- Simulation of Electronic/Ionic Mixed Conduction in Solid Ionic Memories.- Full-Band Modeling of Magnetic Semiconductors.- Cellular Monte Carlo Modeling of Alx In1?x Sb/In Sb Quantum Well Transistors.- Non-Parabolic Model for the Solution of 2-D Quantum Transverse States Applied to Narrow Conduction Channel Simulation.- Self-Consistent Quantum Transport Theory of Carrier Capture in Heterostructures.