What does it means to work toward racial equity in higher education in the 21st century? This monograph answers just that with a synthesis of theory, research, and evidence that illuminate the ways in which racism shapes higher education systems and the experiences of people who navigate them.
Higher education leaders must move beyond vague notions of diversity and do the difficult work of pursuing systemic transformation and creating more inclusive environments in which racially diverse populations can thrive. Such work necessitates a deep understanding of the historic and contemporary role of racism in shaping postsecondary access and opportunity. This work will be of interest to those who recognize how advancing racial equity benefits all members of the campus community and larger society.
This is the 1st issue of the 42nd volume of the Jossey-Bass series ASHE Higher Education Report. Each monograph is the definitive analysis of a tough higher education issue, based on thorough research of pertinent literature and institutional experiences. Topics are identified by a national survey. Noted practitioners and scholars are then commissioned to write the reports, with experts providing critical reviews of each manuscript before publication.
Executive Summary vi
Foreword ix
Acknowledgments xii
Introduction 1 Racism and Racial Equity as a Framework for Understanding Race in Higher Education 10
Purpose of the Monograph 13
Outline of Monograph 14
Racial Frameworks in Higher Education 16
Foundations of Racial Theory in Higher Education 16
Critical Race Theory 17
Utility and Limitations of Critical Race Theory Scholarship in Higher Education 25
Racially Conscious Institutional Frameworks 29
Conclusion 37
Historical and Contemporary Racial Contexts 38
Historical Foundations of Racism in Society 38
From Old to New Forms of Racism in Society 44
Conclusion 48
Systemic Racism in Higher Education 49
Manifestations of Racism in Higher Education History 49
Racism in the Experiences of Higher Education Faculty 60
The Role of Racism in the Experiences of College Students 67
Conclusion 71
Advancing Scholarship and Advocacy to Achieve Equity in Higher Education 72
Advancing Racial Equity in Higher Education Scholarship 75
Advancing Racial Equity in Higher Education Policy 77
Advancing Racial Equity on College Campuses 79
Conclusion 82
Glossary: Key Terms and Definitions Related to Racism and Racial Equity 84
References 87
Name Index 104
Subject Index 109
About the Authors 112
Volume Editors:
Samuel D. Museus, Ph D, is associate professor of higher education and student affairs and serves as director of the Culturally Engaging Campus Environments Project at Indiana University, Bloomington.
María C. Ledesma, Ph D, is assistant professor of higher education in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy at the University of Utah’s College of Education.
Tara L. Parker, Ph D, is associate professor of higher education and chair of the Leadership in Education Department at the University of Massachusetts Boston.
Series Editors:
Kelly Ward and Lisa E. Wolf-Wendel.