作者: Maria Judite de Carvalho

Margaret Jull Costa has been a literary translator for nearly thirty years and has translated works by novelists such as José Maria de Eça de Queiroz, José Saramago, Fernando Pessoa, and Javier Marías, as well as the poetry of Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen and Ana Luísa Amaral. She has won various prizes, most recently the 2015 Marsh Award for Children’s Literature in Translation for Bernardo Atxaga’s The Adventures of Shola.

3 电子书 Maria Judite de Carvalho

Maria Judite de Carvalho: Empty Wardrobes
“A compact, merciless tragedy… I read this novel with something resembling a rapturous grief.” —Kate Zambreno For ten years Dora has ritualistically mourned her husband’s death, a pointless ritual th …
Maria Judite de Carvalho: Armaris buits
Durant deu anys, Dora Rosário ha plorat la mort del seu marit. Un marit que per principis havia rebutjat tenir qualsevol mena d’ambició personal. Dora i la seva filla, doncs, van quedar soles i sense …
Maria Judite de Carvalho: Leere Schränke
Die Wiederentdeckung von Portugals wichtigster literarischer Autorin des 20. Jahrhunderts – zum ersten Mal auf Deutsch Dora Rosário hat sich in der Trauer um ihren schon vor zehn Jahren verstorbenen …