作者: Marina Lommerse

Reena Tiwari is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Urban & Regional Planning and Architecture at Curtin University, and Director of the International Cooperation Research Cluster. Her work focuses on the integration of urban development and place-making, with an emphasis on the importance of community involvement. Marina Lommerse is a designer, educator, curator, researcher and strategist with Marina Lommerse Consultants, and an Adjunct Professor at Curtin University. She works with creative people and communities to strengthen individual and collective capacity and build supportive environments, mobilizing creative projects that promote positive change in communities, through publications, creative works, and curatorship of exhibitions. Dianne Smith is an Associate Professor and Head of Program in Interior Architecture at Curtin University, and an Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology. Dianne’s research focuses on design for the cognitively impaired, the meaning of environments, the impact of colour on experience and our understanding of place, and design education.

2 电子书 Marina Lommerse

Reena Tiwari & Marina Lommerse: M² Models and Methodologies for Community Engagement
How can we engage communities? What is empowerment ? To what extent should the project process be participatory ? How is an outsider-insider relationship handled? How do researchers negotiate with th …
Dianne Smith & Marina Lommerse: Perspectives on Social Sustainability and Interior Architecture
This book argues that interior architects have a responsibility to practice their profession in collaborative ways that address the needs of communities and of to be the agents of social justice and …