Too often, the Reformers and their doctrines have been caricatured, misrepresented or misappropriated in the service of agendas they would never have recognized, let alone endorsed. Happily, there has been a great deal of fine scholarship in recent years that has exploded some of these myths, but it has not always been accessible to non-specialists.
The intention of Celebrating the Reformation is that Christians today will find new cause to rejoice in what God did in the sixteenth century through weak and fallible men and women. These people sought, in their own context, to submit themselves to the word of God and lead his people in a godly and faithful response to the gospel of grace.
Three sections deal with the chief Reformers, key doctrines and the Reformation in retrospect. Each contribution seeks to connect its subject to the present, making clear its relevance for today. The Reformation is not a dead movement but a living legacy that can still capture the imagination and encourage men and women in their own Christian discipleship.
The contributors are Andrew Bain, Colin R. Bale, Rhys S. Bezzant, Gerald Bray, Martin Foord, David A. Höhne, Chase Kuhn, Andrew Leslie, Edward Loane, John Mc Clean, Joe Mock, Michael J. Ovey, Tim Patrick, Mark D. Thompson, Stephen Tong, Jane Tooher and Dean Zweck.
List of contributors
List of abbreviations
Introduction: why the Reformation still matters – Gerald Bray
Part 1: The Chief Players
1. Martin Luther – Mark D. Thompson
2. Huldrych Zwingli: a truly quintessential Reformer – Joe Mock
3. Philip Melanchthon: the humanist whose Loci Communes systematized Lutheran theology – Dean Zweck
4. John Calvin: The Reformer and the necessity of reform – John Mc Clean
5. Salvation accomplished: Heinrich Bullinger on the gospel – Marin Foord
6. Martin Bucer: the catholic Protestant – Stephen Tong
7. Thomas Cranmer: the Reformation in liturgy – Tim Patrick
8. Katherine Zell: the varied ministries of one Reformation woman – Jane Tooher
Part 2: Key Doctrines
9. Salvation through Christ alone – Edward Loane
10. Justification by faith alone – Michael J. Ovey
11. Scripture Alone – Mark D. Thompson
12. The Priesthood of all believers: no mediator but Christ; a ‘new’ shape to ministry – Chase R. Kuhn
13. Discipleship in all of life: returning to biblical models of Christian ethics – Andrew Bain
Part 3: The Reformation in Retrospect
14. The Reformation a century later: did the Reformation get lost two generations later? – Andrew Leslie
15. Semper Reformanda: the revivalists and the Reformers – Rhys Bezzant
16. The Reformation: a Victorian view – Edward Loane
17. Always Reforming? Reformation and revolution in the Age of Romance – David A Hohne
18. The Reformation in Australia – Colin Bale
Editors: Mark D. Thompson is Principal of Moore Theological College, Sydney, Australia. Colin Bale is Vice Principal, Academic Dean and Head of Church History at Moore College. Edward Loane is a lecturer in Doctrine and Church History at Moore College.