作者: Mark Holzberg

Robert Baran, MD, Ph D, is Head of the Nail Disease Centre, Cannes, France, and Former Consultant- Dermatologist at the Gustave Roussy Cancer Institute, Villejuif, Paris, France. He is also an Honorary Professor of the University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France. David de Berker, BA, MBBS, MRCP, Ph D, is a Consultant Dermatologist at Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol, UK. Mark Holzberg, MD, Ph D, is Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, Emory University School of Medicine and Founder, Newnan Dermatology, Newnan, Georgia, USA. Bianca Maria Piraccini, MD, Ph D, is Associate Professor in Dermatology, Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Bertrand Richert, MD, Ph D, is Professor of Dermatology at Brugmann, St Pierre and HUDERF University Hospitals, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium. Luc Thomas, MD, Ph D, is Professor of Dermatology and Chairman at Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud, Lyon 1 University and Lyon Cancer Research Center, Lyon, France.

2 电子书 Mark Holzberg

Bianca Maria Piraccini & Bertrand Richert: Baran and Dawber’s Diseases of the Nails and their Management
The definitive guide to the science, diagnosis and treatment of all known nail diseases The fifth edition of Baran & Dawber’s Diseases of the Nails and their Management continues to offer an encyclop …
Bianca Maria Piraccini & Bertrand Richert: Baran and Dawber’s Diseases of the Nails and their Management
The definitive guide to the science, diagnosis and treatment of all known nail diseases The fifth edition of Baran & Dawber’s Diseases of the Nails and their Management continues to offer an encyclop …