作者: Martin Wirsing

SENSORIA – Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers.- A Unifying Formal Basis for the SENSORIA Approach: A White Paper.- Introduction to the SENSORIA Case Studies.- UML Extensions for Service-Oriented Systems.- The SENSORIA Reference Modeling Language.- Model-Driven Development of Adaptable Service-Oriented Business Processes.- A Formal Support to Business and Architectural Design for Service-Oriented Systems.- Core Calculi for Service-Oriented Computing.- Behavioral Theory for Session-Oriented Calculi.- Static Analysis Techniques for Session-Oriented Calculi.- Call-by-Contract for Service Discovery, Orchestration and Recovery.-CC-Pi: A Constraint Language for Service Negotiation and Composition.- Advanced Mechanisms for Service Composition, Query and Advanced Mechanisms for Service Combination and Transactions.- Model-Driven Development of Long Running Transactions.- Hierarchical Models for Service-Oriented Systems.- Analysing Protocol Stacks for Services.- An Abstract, on the Fly Framework for the Verification of Service-Oriented Systems.-Tools and Verification.- Specification and Analysis of Dynamically-Reconfigurable Service Architectures.- So SL: A Service-Oriented Stochastic Logic.- Evaluating Service Level Agreements Using Observational Probes.- Scaling Performance Analysis Using Fluid-Flow Approximation.- Passage-End Analysis for Analysing Robot Movement.- Quantitative Analysis of Services.- Methodologies for Model-Driven Development and Deployment: An Overview.- Advances in Model Transformations by Graph Transformation: Specification, Execution and Analysis.-Runtime Support for Dynamic and Adaptive Service Composition.-Legacy Transformations for Extracting Service Components.-The SENSORIA Development Environment.- Specification and Implementation of Demonstrators for the Case Studies.- SENSORIA Results Applied to the Case Studies.- Analysing Robot Movement Using the SENSORIA Methods.- The SENSORIA Approach Applied to the Finance Case Study.- SENSORIA Patterns.

15 电子书 Martin Wirsing

Iman Poernomo & John N. Crossley: Adapting Proofs-as-Programs
This book ?nds new things to do with an old idea. The proofs-as-programs paradigm constitutes a set of approaches to developing programs from proofs in constructive logic. It has been over thirty yea …
Martin Wirsing & Matthias Hölzl: Rigorous Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Systems
Service-Oriented Computing is a paradigm for developing and providing software that can address many IT challenges, ranging from integrating legacy systems to building new, massively distributed, int …
Matthias Hölzl & Allaithy Raed: Java kompakt
Das Buch bietet eine knappe, praxisorientierte Einführung in die Programmierung mit Java. Basierend auf Vorlesungen, Kursen und Praktika für die ersten beiden Semester an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Unive …
Mauro Calise & Carlos Delgado Kloos: Digital Education: At the MOOC Crossroads Where the Interests of Academia and Business Converge
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Massive Open Online Courses, EMOOCs 2019, held in Naples, Italy, in May 2019.The 15 full and 6 short papers presented in this v …
Matthias Holzl & Nora Koch: Software Engineering for Collective Autonomic Systems
A collective autonomic system consists of collaborating autonomic entities which are able to adapt at runtime, adjusting to the state of the environment and incorporating new knowledge into their beh …
Martin Wirsing & Songmao Zhang: Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, KSEM 2015, held in Chongqing, China, in October 2015. The 57 revis …
Simonetta Balsamo & Alexander Knapp: Radical Innovations of Software and Systems Engineering in the Future
This volume contains the papers from the workshop "Radical Innovations of Software and Systems Engineering in the Future." This workshop was the ninth in the series of Monterey Software Eng …
Piero Fraternali & Nora Koch: Web Engineering
Web engineering is a new discipline that addresses the pressing need for syst- atic and tool-supported approaches for the development, maintenance and te- ing of Web applications. Web engineering bui …
Dang Van Hung & Martin Wirsing: Theoretical Aspects of Computing – ICTAC 2005
This volume contains the proceedings of ICTAC 2005, the second ICTAC, International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing. ICTAC 2005 took place in Hanoi, Vietnam, October 17-21, 2005. ICTAC …
Marsha Chechik & Martin Wirsing: Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, FASE 2009, held in York, UK, in March 2009, as part of ETAPS 200 …
Martin Hofmann & Axel Rauschmayer: Trustworthy Global Computing
Global computing refers to computation over "global computers, " i.e., com- tational infrastructures available globally and able to provide uniform services with variable guarantees for com …
Friedrich L. Bauer & Martin Wirsing: Elementare Aussagenlogik
Dieses Buch über elementare Aussagenlogik (wie auch seine geplante Fortsetzung über Elementare Prädikatenlogik und Universelle Algebra) ist aus Vorlesungen an der Technischen Universität München ents …