Franca Ela Consolino ist Professorin für Lateinische Literatur des Mittelalters an der Università L”Aquila. Judith Herrin ist emeritierte Professorin für Spätantike und Byzantinistik am King”s College in London.
13 电子书 Mary B. Cunningham
Franca Ela Consolino & Judith Herrin: Zwischen Orient und Okzident: Frühmittelalter (6.-11. Jh.)
Das frühe Mittelalter kannte neben der römisch-katholischen Kirche des Westens eine Vielzahl anderer christlicher Bekenntnisse – Griechische Orthodoxie, Arianismus, Monophysitismus, Donatismus, Nesto …
Vera Andriopoulou & Mary B. Cunningham: Sylvester Syropoulos on Politics and Culture in the Fifteenth-Century Mediterranean
The Memoirs of Sylvester Syropoulos is a text written by a Î’yzantine ecclesiastical official in the 15th century. Syropoulos participated in the Council for the union of the Greek and Latin Churches …
Vera Andriopoulou & Mary B. Cunningham: Sylvester Syropoulos on Politics and Culture in the Fifteenth-Century Mediterranean
The Memoirs of Sylvester Syropoulos is a text written by a Î’yzantine ecclesiastical official in the 15th century. Syropoulos participated in the Council for the union of the Greek and Latin Churches …
Leslie Brubaker & Mary B. Cunningham: Cult of the Mother of God in Byzantium
This volume, on the cult of the Theotokos (Virgin Mary) in Byzantium, focuses on textual and historical aspects of the subject, thus complementing previous work which has centred more on the cult of …
Leslie Brubaker & Mary B. Cunningham: Cult of the Mother of God in Byzantium
This volume, on the cult of the Theotokos (Virgin Mary) in Byzantium, focuses on textual and historical aspects of the subject, thus complementing previous work which has centred more on the cult of …
Andreas Andreopoulos & Mary B. Cunningham: Analogia
Analogia is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the scholarly exposition and discussion of the theological principles of the Christian faith. A distinguishing feature of this journal will b …
Nicholas de Lange & Elena Narinskaya: Tois Pasin ho Kairos
This book addresses Judaism and Orthodox Christianity, and particularly their points of similarity and difference, congruence and conflict. The city of Jerusalem stands at the heart of both these age …