How well do we know the Holy Ghost?
Do you know?
Who was the first Spirit-filled person?
How did God describe the transfer of the Spirit?
How can we know we are in the Spirit?
How many in the upper room received the Holy Ghost?
So how can Jesus be God?
Who baptizes us with the Holy Ghost?
What do we have by one Spirit?
Daddy always gives favor to His children because of who He is!
Does God want His Spirit to flow from you?
Did Jesus say the Spirit would speak in you when you speak in faith in Him?
Who asked, “Have ye received the Holy Ghost?”
Do you want Jesus to take up for you?
On the Day of Pentecost, who interpreted and how were the words understood?
How could she be filled with the Holy Ghost before Pentecost?
Who said, “The Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us?” And who was he talking about?
Can a person be filled and baptized with the Holy Ghost at the same time?
We all have access by one Spirit.
How can we know the perfect will of God?
What one promise has God made to all?
Mary had compiled the Scriptures for the HOLY GHOST BIBLE into a manuscript to tell the story of the Holy Spirit only from Scripture. An editor took one look and said it would be good to make it a devotion where there could be interesting questions to go with the sets of Scriptures. Mary liked her idea and 4 years later and loads of fun in the Spirit, HOUSE OF THE HOLY GHOST devotional was ready for publishing.