作者: Maša Kolanović

Dijana Jelača is Adjunct Instructor in the Department of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham University, USA. She is the author of Dislocated Screen Memory: Narrating Trauma in Post-Yugoslav Cinema (2016) and co-editor of The Routledge Companion to Cinema and Gender (2017). Maša Kolanović is Associate Professor of Contemporary Croatian Literature at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. She is the author of Udarnik! Buntovnik? Potrošač…Popularna kultura  i hrvatski roman od socijalizma do tranzicije (Worker! Rebel? Consumer… Popular Culture and Croatian Novel from Socialism till Transition, 2011) and edited volume Komparativni postsocijalizam: slavenska iskustva (Comparative Postsocialism: Slavic Experiences, 2013). Danijela Lugarić is Associate Professor of East-Slavic Languages and Literature and the Director of the Institute of Literary Studies at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. She isthe author of Ruski bardi: modusi popularnog u kantautorskoj poeziji Bulata Okudžave i Vladimira Vysockog (Russian Bards: Popular Aspects in the Author’s Song of Bulat Okudzhava and Vladimir Vysotsky, 2011).

2 电子书 Maša Kolanović

Dijana Jelača & Maša Kolanović: The Cultural Life of Capitalism in Yugoslavia
This edited volume explores the cultural life of capitalism during socialist and post-socialist times within the geopolitical context of the former Yugoslavia. Through a variety of cutting edge essay …
Maša Kolanović: Werte Käfer und andere Gruselgeschichten
Dubrovnik, das zur touristischen Kulisse erstarrt ist. Konsum, der jede Menschlichkeit ersetzt. Emotionen, die so nicht in der Werbung vorkommen. Der Alltag zwischen Handy-Knebelverträgen, Shopping m …