KURT LUGER is holder of the UNESCO Chair “Cultural Heritage and Tourism” and professor of Transcultural Communication at the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Salzburg. Recent publications: Media Culture Tourism (2018); Alpine Travels (ed. with Franz Rest, 2017); Tourism and Mobile Leisure (ed. with Roman Egger, 2015); Culture, Tourism and Development in the Himalayas (2014); The Endangered City – Strategies for Humane Building in Salzburg (ed. with Christoph Ferch, 2014); Cultural Heritage and Tourism (ed. with Karlheinz Wöhler, 2010); World Heritage and Tourism (ed. with Karlheinz Wöhler 2008).
MATTHIAS RIPP holds a degree in Historical Geography from Bamberg University. Since 2007 he has been the world heritage coordinator of the “Old Town of Regensburg with Stadtamhof” site. He is active in numerous networks such as Heritage Europe and ICOMOS. He coordinated the EU Her O (Heritage as Opportunity) project and chairs the UNESCO world heritage working group on historic city centres of the German Association of Cities. Since November 2011 he has also been regional coordinator for the North West European and North-American region of the Organisation of Heritage Heritage Cities (OWHC).
4 电子书 Matthias Ripp
Kurt Luger & Matthias Ripp: World Heritage, Place Making and Sustainable Tourism
The management of World Heritage Cities and sites is a challenging task. Getting visitor flows and the enormous traffic under control and implementing urban development projects in ways that preserve …
Matthias Ripp: A Metamodel for Heritage-based Urban Development
This book proposes a Metamodel for heritage-based urban development, based on urban morphology, governance theory, and the metamodeling concept of John P. Van Gigch. Building on international policie …
Marie-Theres Albert & Roland Bernecker: 50 Years World Heritage Convention: Shared Responsibility – Conflict & Reconciliation
This open access book identifies various forms of heritage destruction and analyses their causes. It proposes strategies for avoiding and solving conflicts, based on integrating heritage into the 203 …
Stadt Regensburg & Karl Stocker: Das Besucherzentrum Welterbe Regensburg
Szenografie eines Besuchszentrums Die Altstadt von Regensburg gilt als herausragendes Beispiel für eine mittelalterliche deutsche Handelsstadt, der 2007 von der UNESCO der Status eines Weltkulturerbe …