The Golden Triangle: The Return of Arsène Lupin begins with the attempted kidnap of a lovely nurse known as Little Mother Coralie who is rescued by Captain Patrice Belval and his heroic Senegalese cohort Ya-Bon. As the labyrinthine plot unfolds and all hope of remedy seems lost, the ineffable, charming gentleman-burglar Arsène Lupin returns from the dead to solve an unsolved mystery from the past that bears upon a fated love, a treasure of gold, and the destinies of an extraordinary cast of characters. Lupin has been depicted in countless film and stage adaptions, most recently as the inspiration of the Netflix series, Lupin, starring Omar Sy. This Warbler Classics edition includes a detailed biographical timeline of Leblanc’s life and work.
Chapter I. Coralie1
Chapter II. Right Hand and Left Leg11
Chapter III. The Rusty Key21
Chapter IV. Before the Flames31
Chapter V. Husband and Wife41
Chapter VI. Nineteen Minutes Past Seven53
Chapter VII. Twenty-Three Minutes Past Twelve64
Chapter VIII. Essarès Bey’s Work75
Chapter IX. Patrice and Coralie86
Chapter X. The Red Cord97
Chapter XI. On the Brink109
Chapter XII. In the Abyss118
Chapter XIII. The Nails in the Coffin130
Chapter XIV. A Strange Character140
Chapter XV. The Belle Hélène154
Chapter XVI. The Fourth Act169
Chapter XVII. Siméon Gives Battle182
Chapter XVIII. Siméon’s Last Victim196
Chapter XIX. Fiat Lux!215
The Life and Work of Maurice Leblanc by Mary Bahr235
Maurice Leblanc (1864-1947) was a French writer best known for creating the fictional character Arsène Lupin. Lupin’s first appearance in Je sais tout, a French periodical, heralded the arrival of the most captivating crook of the literary world. Leblanc would go on to feature his masterful thief in novels and short stories for the next thirty years.