The papers in this volume are the refereed papers presented at AI-2012, the Thirty-second SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, held in Cambridge in December 2012 in both the technical and the application streams.
They present new and innovative developments and applications, divided into technical stream sections on Data Mining, Data Mining and Machine Learning, Planning and Optimisation, and Knowledge Management and Prediction, followed by application stream sections on Language and Classification, Recommendation, Practical Applications and Systems, and Data Mining and Machine Learning. The volume also includes the text of short papers presented as posters at the conference.
This is the twenty-ninth volume in the Research and Development in Intelligent Systems series, which also incorporates the twentieth volume in the Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems series. These series are essential reading for those who wish to keep up to date with developments in this important field.
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIX
Best Technical Paper .- Biologically Inspired Speaker Verification using Spiking Self-Organising Map.- Data Mining .- Parallel Random Prism: A Computationally Efficient Ensemble Learner for Classification.- Questionnaire Free Text Summarisation Using Hierarchical Classification.- Mining Interesting Correlated Contrast Sets.- Data Mining and Machine Learning .- e Rules: A Modular Adaptive Classification Rule Learning Algorithm for Data Streams.- A Geometric Moving Average Martingale Method for Detecting Changes in Data Streams.- Using Chunks to Categorise Chess Positions.- Planning and Optimisation .- S-Theta*: Low Steering Path-planning Algorithm.- Comprehensive Parent Selection-based Genetic Algorithm.- Run-Time Analysis of Classical Path-Planning Algorithms.- Knowledge Management and Prediction .- A Generic Platform for Ontological Query Answering.- Multi-Agent Knowledge Allocation.- A Hybrid Model for Business Process Event Prediction.- Short Papers .- A Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for Recommending Search Experiences in Social Search.- A Cooperative Multi-objective Optimization Framework based on Dendritic Cells Migration Dynamics.- R U 🙂 or 🙁 ? Character- vs. Word-Gram Feature Selection for Sentiment Classification of OSN Corpora.- Predicting Multi-class Customer Profiles Based on Transactions: A Case Study in Food Sales.- Controlling Anytime Scheduling of Observation Tasks.-
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XX
Best Application Paper .- Swing Up and Balance Control of the Acrobot Solved by Genetic Programming.- Language and Classification .- Biologically Inspired Continuous Arabic Speech Recognition.- A Cross-study of Sentiment Classification on Arabic Corpora.- Towards the Profiling of Twitter Users for Topic-based Filtering.- Recommendation .- Content vs. Tags for Friend Recommendation.- Collaborative Filtering for Recommendation in Online Social Networks.- Unsupervised Topic Extraction for the Reviewer’s Assistant.- Practical Applications and Systems .- Adapting Bottom-up, Emergent Behaviour for Character-Based AI in Games.- Improving WRF-ARW Wind Speed Predictions using Genetic Programming.- Optimizing Opening Strategies in a Real-time Strategy Game by a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm.- Managing Uncertainties in the Field of Planning and Budgeting – An Interactive Fuzzy Approach.- Data Mining and Machine Learning .- Identification of Correlations Between 3D Surfaces using Data Mining Techniques: Predicting Springback in Sheet Metal Forming.- Towards The Collection of Census Data From Satellite Imagery using Data Mining: A Study With Respect to the Ethiopian Hinterland.- Challenges in Applying Machine Learning to Media Monitoring.- Short Papers .- Comparative Study of One-Class Classifiers for Item-based Filtering.- Hybridization of Adaptive Differential Evolution with BFGS.