Undertaking a part-time doctorate when you’re working full-time in higher education can be daunting. This guide gives you realistic and reassuring support for the complexities and challenges you might face.
Each chapter helps you map the next step in your doctoral journey, from discovering your motivations and making important decisions about where to study, to preparing for thesis submission and your viva – and how to navigate the ‘after’ when you’ve completed your doctorate.
The book:
- Gives you honest, down-to-earth advice about how to navigate professional and personal challenges, such as continuing professional development and maintaining motivation.
- Discusses unique tensions additionally faced by academics studying in their own institution, such as managing supervisory relationships.
- Showcases a diverse range of student experiences, with over 20 case studies of postgraduate researchers.
- Includes practical activities and reflective questions to help you make the right decisions for you.
This book is a companion for anyone undertaking doctoral research while working in an academic post.
Chapter 1: Introduction: Setting the scene
Chapter 2: What’s driving you?
Chapter 3: Starting your journey
Chapter 4: Transitioning to the doctorate experience
Chapter 5: Supervision during your doctoral journey
Chapter 6: Navigating procedural challenges
Chapter 7: Navigating personal and emotional challenges
Chapter 8: One stop to go: Preparing for your thesis submission and the viva
Chapter 9: Arriving at your destination
Barbara Howard-Hunt is a medical anthropologist who has worked in academia since 1999. Much of her earlier work focused on student progression and academic development where she developed a model of student academic development for the Faculty. Barbara’s Ph D, in which she explored the migration experiences of refugee Somali women, was completed in 2012. Barbara has worked extensively with colleagues, both in the UK and abroad, most recently in Zambia and Jamaica, to help them develop academically and professionally. She currently supervises Ph D students and has supervised a number of them to completion. She has published on the student experience and on marginalised communities and is currently co-leading on a project concerned with inclusive practices within the Faculty of Health, Education and Life Sciences at Birmingham City University. Barbara has spoken nationally and internationally on the student experience, inclusivity, equality and diversity, and access to health care for marginalised communities. She is a member of the National Counselling Society.